Monday, March 14, 2011

Leaving the house

Hi guys, so far today Tom and I have packed our bags which both weigh about 50 lbs. We are going to leave the house and drive to the bus station where Tom and I will board and arrive in Florida sometime tomorrow morning, wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Remember, there's a hot meal, shower, and bed waiting for you in Roanoke County, Virginia if you need one when you get here.


About Me

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Welcome to our blog. Come and visit and get to know my crazy busy family. First there is me, Tammy, also known as the MOM. And then there is Hank-the Dad. We are the proud parents of 5 wonderful and wacky kids. In order of birth-Nicholas, Thomas, Benjamin, Eleanor, and Maxwell. We are a homeschooling family and we love to explore, travel, and create dynamic family traditions and rituals with our children.