Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Hiker Hostel

Ok so we are in a hostel in Dahlonega GA. The hostel is called "The Hiker Hostel" I love the name it's just so simple and not complicated. There was a trail festival in town yesterday, today, and it'll still be there tomorrow. We however are hitting the aproach trail tomorrow. The people at the hostel are extremely friendly and an all around good bunch. So I'm super stoked to be finally getting some miles under my boots. I guess this will be my last blog till the next time I hit a town with a computer which should be fairly soon.
-Thomas Zmyewski


  1. An adventure of a lifetime! How cool!
    We will be praying for you.

    The Cebenka Family

  2. We read about your advetnure on a NJ homeschool group. Hope you have a wonderful time and update us frequently.

    The Acacia Family

  3. We are members of Tri State homeschool group and I thru hiked in '98. You guys will have a blast! I started March 9th and finished Aug 17th. I will be following your blog and living vicariously through you guys! If you have any questions, your mom has my email address. I'd be more than happy to help.

    Have fun!

    Greg Romano


About Me

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Welcome to our blog. Come and visit and get to know my crazy busy family. First there is me, Tammy, also known as the MOM. And then there is Hank-the Dad. We are the proud parents of 5 wonderful and wacky kids. In order of birth-Nicholas, Thomas, Benjamin, Eleanor, and Maxwell. We are a homeschooling family and we love to explore, travel, and create dynamic family traditions and rituals with our children.