Friday, January 7, 2011

Nutrition (continued)

Some problems on the trail with food is that hikers sometimes don't eat enough calories.
Here I will show a list of proteins, carbs, vitamin c and other supplements we need.

Proteins: Nuts (Almonds, peanuts, and cashews are the ones I like) noodles, canned meats like tuna, ham, and chicken are all high sources of protein.

vegetables: We can refill on vegetables and fruits when entering a town  and ones that we would probably get are apples, oranges, bananas, potatoes, cauliflower, and a cucumber or two.

Calcium: yogurt (which can be dehydrated) and tortillas made from lime-processed corn (for preservation) and leafy greens of the cabbage family and oranges which we can get a few when we go into a town.

Calories: for calories bagels can be good considering they range from 231 to 264 calories, pita is also good because it has around the same calories as bagels, and people also suggest powdered cheese/eggs/milk for the trail.

Carbs: For carbs nuts are found to have a high amount of it along with seeds which can be eaten and are very lightweight for the trail. Along with nuts noodles like rice, or ramen have carbs in them

If anyone thinks there is an error to my posts or wants to add something please just comment

1 comment:

  1. Um yes there is a slight error.
    who posted this nick or ben. we are supposed to sign out names after all posts since we are sharing one account
    -Thomas Zmyewski


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Welcome to our blog. Come and visit and get to know my crazy busy family. First there is me, Tammy, also known as the MOM. And then there is Hank-the Dad. We are the proud parents of 5 wonderful and wacky kids. In order of birth-Nicholas, Thomas, Benjamin, Eleanor, and Maxwell. We are a homeschooling family and we love to explore, travel, and create dynamic family traditions and rituals with our children.