Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nutrition: Updated

    The nutrition on the trail is going to consist lightweight, but calorie dense foods, that have reasonable sodium and sugar levels. Our protein intake will come from foods like sausage, jerky, and nuts. While those meals are high in protein and have a good level of calories. Our carbs are going to come from: oatmeal packets, candy bars, bagels, wholewheat bread(very calorie dense so its a good calorie/wieght ratio), noodles and rice. My fruits and vegetables, aka vitamins: they will come from fruit cups, dried fruit, oranges, apples, cucumbers, and carrots, and maybe the odd potato or two to bake.
     Also another option is to get freeze dries foods. They are very nutritious and taste good. An added bonus is that they come in many different varieties so that they don't get boring. But the catch is that, the food is super expensive, and with 3 hungry teens, it wont be cost effective to carry the freeze dried foods on a regular basis.
    We will make up sample menus for before the hike to practice shopping on our own, and the vitamins we don't eat we will take. 

-Thomas Zmyewski

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Welcome to our blog. Come and visit and get to know my crazy busy family. First there is me, Tammy, also known as the MOM. And then there is Hank-the Dad. We are the proud parents of 5 wonderful and wacky kids. In order of birth-Nicholas, Thomas, Benjamin, Eleanor, and Maxwell. We are a homeschooling family and we love to explore, travel, and create dynamic family traditions and rituals with our children.